A Christmas Card in the Yard

Matthew 25:23

"The master said, 'Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful in handling this small amount, so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let's celebrate together!'

Yesterday, I was out around 7:30 am for my four mile jog. It was in the mid-30's temp-wise. I wear shorts with no sweatpants, so I have to keep moving lest I freeze from the feet up.

I was coming to the close of my route, I saw that there was an envelope out in a yard. It look unopened from the distance. As I passed by, my conscience told me to turn around, as I suspected something was awry. I trotted up the lawn and indeed it was an unopened envelope; it was MIA from a mailbox. It looked like a Christmas Card with one of those letters of the year in review folded inside. The sending address was on the outside so I broke Federal Law and opened up the mailbox without authorization and deposited the letter inside and went on my way.

I know that the act hardly qualifies me for sainthood. There was no big miracle. But, it was a small miracle I suppose. Who knows what news the letter and card contained? Was there something necessary and needed to be known that would have otherwise been lost to the wind? Who knows, but that I gave a damn enough to stop I guess is an encouragement that God is at work in both the big and the small.  

At my Church, there is a palatable tension among all of us asking ourselves how we can make a real difference. We struggle to identify needs and then meet needs. As we kicked it around some yesterday, I think the consensus was start small.

Sometimes it feels overwhelming because it is not always simple to serve. Yet, I think maybe God wants us to do the small things all around us rather than some massive undertaking. Perhaps He wants to see us faithful in the small acts of service as a preparation, for if we don't do the small things, it is doubtful that we are ready for more, at least for the right reasons.



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