Sexy Church?

This is a new steel church built in the 'burbs. One designer called it "sexy." Man, I don't know what I think about  this. I like cool architecture...too many churches look like McMansions that would blow down with a huff and a puff. But, I want to register a deeper complaint. The Church in the Bible is not a place; it is a people. Whenever we start thinking physical structures, we are already playing into the world system. Jesus said that "man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from God." Bread could be a substitute for building. Man does not live by the building alone. We fool ourselves when we think a building, music, or anything else but good lives is what is required for evangelization and discipleship to happen. How many churches (places) are stuck in a debt rut because they thought the place was the key to reaching the community only to find that you could build it and they still might not come. How about going to them?


Dave Witmer said…
True, true. The church is a people. And I wonder if Jesus ever meant the church to be "sexy". The cross was not very sexy, but it changed the course of history! And because he humbled himself, "even to death on a cross," his name was made the highest. Not becuase he was sexy.

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