Smart Builder

A week or so before Christmas, there was a package on my front porch. I noticed that it had been sent from Germany. My first thought was something like, "Hmm, is there a Unabomber-like dude in Germany who doesn't like me for some reason?" I really couldn't figure out who would be sending me a package from the Fatherland. Plus, my wife's name was misspelled.

I dismissed my paranoia and opened the package. I was blessed to see it was a book written by Dr. Stephen  Beck. He and his wife serve as workers for the Gospel in Europe (the least evangelized continent in the world). We support their ministry through Greater European Mission.

The book Smart Builder (Chrome translates the page into English) has been a strong consolation throughout the Cold War I have been fighting with this crafty virus. No coughing, lost my voice, blowing snot out the nose like toothpaste. A weird illness. And tired like hell. Finally starting to feel better after about a ten day war of attrition. Worried that my Lyme's Disease might be a silent partner with the cold virus.

Dr. Beck constructs his book like building a house. The foundation of Christ's resurrection on up. It is a very wise book full of pastoral sensitivity, theological depth, and practical steps. Very reminiscent of John Calvin. While the book is about building, it does by implication demolish all faiths that are not based on Christ. He does it in a kind and not condemnatory manner but we should never question the inevitable conclusion that when Christ is presented as the sole hope of humanity, the only house that will stand the onslaughts of the storms of life, all other construction is shown to be  not worthy of habitation. So, the book is a bomb of sorts. A love bomb the destroys and then builds brick-by-brick a home for humanity.

This book is strong candidate for my Book Hall of Fame. Get your hands on it if you can. It is a well-crafted tool helping both the believer and the skeptic think through the ultimate reality of God without candy-coating hard questions and challenging conclusions.         


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