New Years, Old Years

On New Years Eve, I found a comfy place on the couch and tried to stay put, except to make forays to the food and drink. For music, a buddy--who has a retro vibe in his musical tastes--spun the vinyl on the turntable. It was old school, with some of the pops and hisses. He searches for collections of old records like a cat might search for a mouse.

In our age, with the rapid advancement of technology, we start to discard the past like a bad habit. We assume that newer is better on all fronts and that idol deserves to be hacked down like an Asherah Pole. Even our language tends to suggest a negative view on the past, as in "He has a past." 

The music on New Years Eve reminded me that there are buried gems in the hills of the past and we need to search and uncover them. We shall understand ourselves better by knowing those who have come before us and recognize that there is really nothing new under the sun regarding the things that matter most. Our toys and tools get more advanced, yet the human heart has not changed.       


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