Merry Christwas?

About 40 years ago, I recall sitting in my elementary school music class on the first day back from Christmas vacation. The teacher asked if there were any songs we wanted to sing. One girl said, "Silent Night." The teacher commented something to the effect that such a song in the beginning of January was not really in appropriate. I always wondered what made the girl want to sing that song. Was it because she had a sad Christmas and decided some peppy singing in the school after the fact with her classmates would cheer her sad heart? I remember kind of being offended by her request. I was like, "What?" If it had been a boy, we might have given him a wedgie at recess.

I had O.D.'d on the holiday and needed some detox...

There is a lot of hysterical cries to keep "Christ in Christmas." But is not the message of the Gospel to keep Christ central 24-7 365 days a year? Don't we act like secularists when we identify only certain times and places where Christ should be preeminent? Is our holiday pushiness for the holy our own attempts to compensate for a lack of devotion outside of the manger?  


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