The Grind

I am pleased to report that I am now grinding my teeth at night. I noticed several weeks ago that my teeth were hurting and I thought my new espresso maker was stripping the enamel of my teeth. Maybe it is...and maybe the espresso is making me tense. I have relegated the espresso to the weekend. Half-caf, half-decaf, 12 oz of drip coffee during the week. Over Christmas vacation, though, every day espresso. Too much. In times of inordinate stress during the past, I have had a TMJ of sorts where I cannot even chew. But it has been years since I experienced this.

My dentist noticed the enamel wearing away during the last check-up right before Christmas. He recommended that I buy some $ 300 mouthpiece through his office while calling products like GrindGuard above "useless." I really questioned his assessment. The principal of keeping teeth from grinding teeth (like iron sharpening iron) seems pretty elementary. I distrust doctors and dentists recommendations that are costly unless they can effectively explain why the 30X more costly mouthpiece works and the GrindGuard won't. To be fair, I didn't ask, already not buying his assessment. A lot of our medical expenses these days are an unhealthy symbiosis between medical professionals who are looking to get more green and patients who are looking for a new pill or process to cure their ill.

I read this last night and it was a comfort to me. I wondered if David ground his teeth when Saul was hunting him down? Oh yeah, and I bought the GrindGuard.

Psalm 57 (written when David fled from Saul in the cave)

Be merciful unto me, O God. be merciful unto me for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.     




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