Forgiveness Candles

This quote is attributed to Mother Theresa. A host of burning candles seems to be a powerful image for forgiveness. Candles are very vulnerable to wind, rain, a lack of oxygen, and its own finite resources. Yet, when lit, candles emanate a powerful luminosity that exceeds their limitations. Properly nurtured, a candle is mighty in light and in dispelling the darkness. Forgiveness also appears weak. Returning darkness for darkness seems to be the just way. Yet, how does more darkness see us through? Forgiveness is costly, it burns. We move on.

Advent in the Christian tradition is typically celebrated with the lighting of candles. It symbolizes the coming of Jesus into the dark world. I would imagine that their were candles or lamps in the Manger on the night when Jesus was born. The Light of the World....a small flame, yet drawing on the infinite power of the Almighty.

Philippians 2:8

And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.


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