Resenting the Ordinary

It is Friday afternoon. The first three days of school are over. 177 to go. Not that I really count. I can't afford to. I take it one day at a time and trust that God will provide the sufficient grace required thereof.

And, it is not that I don't plan...I do. But, I try to avoid thinking overly about what is to come. If for no other reason than I am often wrong. So, it is a fool's errand.

Being that it is Friday, I have decided to have a couple of beers. Since I am a beer aficionado, I refuse to buy Bud, Miller, or Coors. My default is Yuengling Lager. It is a good, not great, beer. At $ 20 a case, I am drinking my brews for under a dollar apiece.

I am all for great beer. I have plenty of it in the Beer Fridge and downstairs in the basement. Some of this beer goes for around four dollars per 12 oz. That is an educated guess...I am really not up for doing the Math. I could barely muster up the brainpower at work to check my phone voicemail at 3:00 PM.

It is true that the good is the enemy of the best. But the converse is also true, the best is the enemy of the good. Good is often good enough.


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