Days of Waves

There is a tenuous line in the water between riding the wave and being tossed like a rag doll. I think those in the stock market are feeling like the latter lately.

The tides down here in Ocean City, NJ, are tropical storm-infused right now. More fun, more fury. Two days ago I boisterously surfed the waves. All fun and games until I got the snot knocked out of me a couple of times. The braggadocio tempered by the Tempest.
It is not a particularly good feeling to know that the wave just doesn't give a damn. It throws me around indiscriminately. Nothing personal, but that is kind of the point. The sea weeps no tears.

The waves measure our mettle. Probably the best thing that the waves teach me is my relative powerlessness. I think all of us stride around thinking that we can control a whole lot more than we actually do. One great wave proves that I am no Poseidon.

God metes yet is not measured.

Isaiah 40:12

Who else has held the oceans in his hand? Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers? Who else knows the weight of the earth or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?


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