Going Rogue: Dare, Risk, Dream

I picked up a bumper sticker at a Pub recently from the Rogue Brewery. On it there are the words: DARE, RISK, DREAM.

Typically, the word Rogue is a negative term. I will let you decide if Sarah Palin and her book has made the word less or more so.

Initially, I taped the bumper sticker to my computer lap top with the backing still on it in case I wanted to remove it. Just a second ago, I committed fully, and pulled the backing off and affixed it to my Dell. No turning back.

Is that not an illustration of how to accomplish great things? We have to stick and commit. If we go taping ourselves to the backs of things, it leads to easier removal but also to tepid efforts. Now, if I take this bumper sticker off the back of my lap top it is going to be a mess...I am all in. Consequences be damned. My summer vacation officially began today at noon (why else would I be blogging at 3:26 am?) and my creed for the summer is DARE, RISK, DREAM.

A Kerouac quote to light the fireworks...

"Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends and fads and popular opinions."

I admire risk-takers, people who do great things....who would rather fail than not try. Who push beyond the pain to find the purpose of ecstatic endeavors. I hate the complacency I see all around me foremost because I hate it in myself. DARE, RISK, DREAM...much to come this summer with my book and my business. HERE WE GO (from another beer company that I have far less respect for).


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