Bad Attitude

Yesterday, I had a bad attitude. Maybe it is more accurate to say that I was discouraged. This is before I went for my run.

So, I sat on the couch looking out our Great Room's large bay window sulking. It is truly a great room...I have never had such affection for a space before.

There I saw the blue sky so peaceful and the green grass so verdant. For some reason, the more I peered upon the blue and the green, the less disturbed I became. The color in my soul went from black to azure.

The blessings of God tend to become givens...of course the sky is blue and the grass is green. Next! The troubles, instead, we howl and whine about in protestation. Sort of like when disasters are called "Acts of God" by insurance companies, but wonderful events, tend to be categorized as decidedly less divine in origin.

Having an attitude of gratitude should not have to be conjured up like some spell. Psyching my inner cheerleader to shout "Yea, God!" Instead, we just need to see with new eyes those things around us too long and skies, green grass. No faking or fronting required, just appropriately praising God for all that He hath made. Selah.


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