Three Doors

I have had three door issues within the last couple of days.

Yesterday, we were late for church and rather than open the door to the vestibule for my wife, I bum rushed the stage. So much for women and children first...the 21st century is so confusing for us guys. Do we act chivalrous...will it perceived as being chauvinist? Strike one.

As penance, I opened the door for my wife to my car after the service. Lina commented how she would like to see that more often. We are trending towards chivalrous and chauffeur. Not real keen on doing so. Strike two.

Then, this morning, again in a hurry, I closed the door too loudly to our bedroom after kissing her good-bye when I was leaving for work. She is a light sleeper and it woke her up. She had asked the other day for me to be less forceful with the shutting of the door. In a huff, I thought, "Well maybe I just won't kiss you in the morning." I know, very spiritual attitude. I got over it by noon. Strike 3. I swear I don't do stuff just to set the table to write about it later.

My door issues reveal something with my heart's home. As this blog noted:

Luther biographer Roland Bainton picks up another metaphor in his writings:
    "After his own marriage Luther’s tone shifted to a stress upon the home as a school for character. It is the area where the Christian virtues find their readiest exemplification, and, whereas in Catholicism monasticism is the sphere for the cultivation of the counsels of perfection, in Protestantism the home is as it were a functional substitute."

For comic relief, check out this website Jesus in the Door. Sorry, that is pretty goofy man.

John 10:9

Jesus said, "I am the door; if anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture."


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