The Existential Ant

Solomon wrote in Proverbs 6:6 "Consider the ant, you lazy bum. Watch its ways, and become wise."

We have been considering the ant a lot recently in the Bierker household since it is the time for the spring infestation. The hard-working insects move right in around this time every year. I am thinking about getting an Anteater to patrol the interior.

I swear, the ants are sent by God to chastise me. My wife can leave out a greasy spoon on the counter for hours and nary an ant anywhere. Me, I drop a bread crumb, and I have an ant orgy. It sickens me. Their marching in a line like goose-stepping Nazis. It doesn't help the our granite counters are dark, providing an ideal camouflage cover for their campaigns. One sweep of a wet paper towel, and one is likely to have 25 ants in hand...

So, we had to go out and buy some traps. We were at the all organic food store on Saturday, Kimberton Whole Foods in Downingtown, and thought maybe I could find an organic version of ant killer. All they had were the same kind of traps one can get anywhere, two tucked in-between earth-friendly soaps and the non-chlorine baby wipes. I guess poison in poison. I just thought it kind of funny that while everything else is good and wholesome, when it comes to dealing with ants, only poison does the trick. The clerk did try to convince me to buy some Peppermint Oil, something like $ 15 dollars for two ounces, because ants find it distasteful and would take their business elsewhere. At 15 smackers, I was like give me the poison. I am going for the kill. No Jainist am I.
I have a passing grade, all except # 1.

Jainists are expected to follow five principles of living:

Ahimsa: 'non violence in all parts of a person -- mental, verbal and physical.' 3 Committing an act of violence against a human, animal, or even vegetable generates negative karma which in turn adversely affects one's next life.
Satya: speaking truth; avoiding falsehood
Asteya: to not steal from others
Brahma-charya: (soul conduct); remaining sexually monogamous to one's spouse only
Aparigraha: detach from people, places and material things. Avoiding the collection of excessive material possessions, abstaining from over-indulgence, restricting one's needs, etc.

I feel bad for the ant. Here he is just trying to get by and find some food for he and his buddies and the Queen. He works hard and does his job with focus and intensity. Hence, the glowing compliment from King Solomon. All for drag some poison back to the Colony just to kill 'em all? Does he ever wonder why fate has been so cruel as he croaks? Does he ever just ask Why?


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