Reclaiming Love

One of my favorite websites, Lager & Gospel posted a new music video from one of my favorite bands "Burlap to Cashmere" called Love Reclaims the Atmosphere. Talk about a win-win!

I know that defending drinking alcohol as a Scripturally-permissible practice is controversial and for good reason. Human beings have a strong proclivity towards legalism or licentiousness. Alcohol can rocket us in either direction. What can fill the space?

It is what put Jesus on the Cross. LOVE. Anything less than love causes human beings to recoil from service and sacrifice. Love picks up where duty leaves off. Mere duty does not motivate us to take the nails with a plea for forgiveness for the guilty. Here is the challenge...the mere drinking or not drinking of alcohol is not the real issue. I wish it would be a breeze. I'd probably be a Muslim. Sure, I will pray five times a day and make a pilgrimage to Mecca and give Alms and fast during Ramadan. Check, check, check, check. The Five Pillars of Islam....easy.

Instead, can you drink the cup of suffering to help redeem a shattered world?


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