A Drink or Two

As part of my quest to halt my cold, I did some research of strategies to reduce the chances of catching one.

I was surprised to learn that the moderate consumption of alcohol on a daily basic (about two drinks), greatly reduces the chance of getting a cold, as well as reducing the likelihood of many other diseases.

Well, OK, give me a beer, I guess.

See this link on the benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation.

Human nature tends to want to distill issues to simple "yes" or "no" categories. Whenever we exist in the undifferentiated and unclear middle, it can be disconcerting to have to reason through the pros and cons. There are clearly attitudes and actions that are always wrong; there are other attitudes and actions that are always right. Then, there is the middle ground of "maybe and depending."

I think evangelical Christians have wasted a great deal of credibility in making things yes or no, where the Bible gives some latitude. Drinking alcohol perhaps is case in point number one, but there are many other areas where we have cut too close to the bone to the detriment of our witness.

If a person does not drink out of personal conviction, it is fine to abstain. And, abstinence is the only option for those who have a past of alcoholic abuse. Yet, for at least a good part of the population, the moderate drinking alcohol seems to be not only permissible but beneficial.

I'll drink to that.


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