The Truth Comes Out

Last night at our neighborly monthly Bible Study/Dinner get-together, we got in a discussion about truth, or Truth with a capital "T." Everyone believes in small "t" truth. Much more of a challenge to convince people that Truth exists beyond our own subjective perceptions...scholarly term for this is Constructivism.

Someone mentioned, in reference to a difficult situation involving a lot of people, that these individuals had to learn "to stand up for themselves." I challenged her to rethink this. I said that we have to learn to stand up for Truth, not ourselves.

I said that Truth is a warrior. Too often, when we stand up for ourselves it falls into the "me-first" mentality, look out for # 1, etc. When we stand up for Truth, we put ourselves under its banner and also accept the duty that this entails...for the Truth, like a sword, cuts both ways. We must let it does its work on and in us too. This can hurt, but it heals.

Satan is called "The Father of Lies." Jesus is called the Truth. There was a moral necessity for the Resurrection to occur. If Jesus stayed in the grave and rotted to nothing but broken bones, Truth would have died, too. But Truth cannot could it. It's True!


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