God, the Giver of Good Eggs
Just finished a plate of eggs and it got me thinking...
Yet, like most conventional wisdom, time has shown that nutritional advice to be not so wise. Eggs are nutritional powerhouses. More yet...they contain a large proportion of what is termed "good" cholesterol vs. "bad" cholesterol. Of course, there is a limit to how much of them we should eat daily, but for the price, there is hardly a better kind of food out there.
I disagree with the last link on one point: I do think free range chicken eggs are healthier and more nutritionally vibrant....all I can say is that I have seen and tasted the difference. It is almost scary how deep a yellow organic eggs are.
Jesus speaks of the God Father wanting to give us eggs rather than scorpions as a way of reassuring us that His benevolences are eagerly made available to us if we just ask. It is actually pretty simple...would Jesus fool us into thinking that eggs are a good gift if they were not...and that we should actually prefer a scorpion? Nonsense.