A Little Fall of Rain

Wow, what a huge amount of rain we got walloped with in Pa. on Thursday....some words just sound like what they mean....WALLOPED!

In my office in the high school Guidance Department, even my papers were taking on a dampened feel. Maybe I was projecting onto the papers wetness, my sense of touch just throwing its lot in with all my other senses that were overwhelmed with Waterworld.

Rain was much needed...our home's front yard was parched. Hopefully, now the grass goes from brown to green again. Worried that the temps will start to fall too soon for the grass to recover and we will have freeze-dried dead grass adorning our property until March. My yard humbles me, chastises me, shows me that I am not worthy of suburbia. Just the latest episode in an ongoing saga of man versus grass, Suburban Sisyphus pushing his mower fruitlessly up a hill in search of redemption.

A little fall of rain makes the flowers grow (song from Les Mis). Does a lot of rain make my grass grow too?

Fascinating how water is the physical source of life but also a taker of life (Days of Noah, Katrina). Katrina should us quite a bit more cognizant of the awesome destructive power of water...yeah, that clear and harmless-looking stuff in the glass on the table.

Matthew 5:45 "That ye may be sons of your Father who is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sendeth rain on the just and the unjust."


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