It Is Mary Time

Mark Driscoll recently preached a sermon on Mary and Martha. Lina really got a lot out of it.

My wife is an uber-Martha but she is trying to stopping being so Type A A (the second A stands for Asian, a culture that is dominant in Type A personalities). I am selectively Type A like at work, studies, or when I am brewing beer. Otherwise, I am pretty chill.

So, my wife has instituted "Mary Time" every night to sit at the feet of Jesus. We are sort of in a transition with this as it does not come easy for my wife to not be task-oriented and in a doing-mode. Mary Time basically means taking time to read the Bible, journal, pray, and listen to sermons.

I do mine early in the morning, Lina does hers later in the night. That's cool. But I can tell it is a struggle for Lina as I walked by her the other night during Mary Time and she was clipping coupons from Costco and then leafed through the Sierra Nevada Trading Post looking for boots.

I just had to say something, "Good devotional material, eh?"


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