CSA Blues

Today was a bittersweet day.

It was the end of our CSA program (Community Supported Agriculture). Weekly, from the late Spring until now, we have received a variety of organic vegetables and fruit. It was kind of a forced plan of buy now and eat later type of thing. Since we bought it, we would have to eat it...thus being healthier in our diet. Sadly, we sometimes could not keep up with the cornucopia and had to toss the food. One thing that did not go to waste? The beets...Lina loves beets.

It wasn't inexpensive....$ 500 for the season. Eating organically is not a money saver over the short-term, yet I have to think that the Franken-food that we now eat as a culture costs us more than we realize. Today, I heard the projections in the not to distant future 1 in 4 Americans will be diabetic. Odd how prosperity itself can wind up being a curse. It is good to pray before we eat. It is also a good idea to pray about what we eat.


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