Garlic Breath

I am pretty convinced that at least some of the effective treatments to diseases and maladies are available simply by taking herbs. For instance, if you feel a cold coming on, eat some raw garlic if you can stand it. And, if those closest to you (in proximity and relationally) can take it too. With garlic it kind of comes down to which is worse: Getting sick or smelling nasty. I'll take door # 2 please.

The point is this: garlic reeks and that is what makes it good for you. The very thing that makes garlic offensive, the allicin--a sulfuric compound (click title garlic breath) also makes it unpalatable to viruses and bacteria. I can testify that garlic works for me in helping to keep me cold free. There are other herbs that have strong anti-inflammatory properties such as Tumeric and Ginger and are infinitely better for you than NSAID's like Motrin and Tylenol which also have adverse effects on the liver and other organs.

It is ironic that in our modern age, we think traditional treatments are outmoded while we embrace medicines that often do a lot of collateral damage in addition to addressing the specific problem under treatment. I have to think that God is trying to show us that there is a better and wiser way to proceed.


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