Bierkergaard: The Writings of Soren Kierkegaard Update June 2022

Madison Myers Mural in Chattanooga 

Well, I pulled the trigger! I was in communication with Princeton University Press who is the entity that has published most of the translated to English from Danish of Soren Kierkegaard's Writings. The rep let me know that if I waited until this week, I'd get a half-off of list price of his books plus free shipping. Christmas in June!

So, I should be in possession soon enough of 24 additional books of Soren's, on top of the ones I already own. I wanted paperback books (less expensive than hardcover of course) and no e-books. My process of reading is quite visceral and even masticatory. I underline with pen, circle, make notes, and essential ruin the book for resale. So, when I die, my estate can create a funeral pyre of Soren's books, lay my dead 6' 8" corpse upon the heaping pile, pour some Wild Turkey 104 Proof Bourbon upon the pyre, and throw a lit Ashton Cigar upon it all and have a party.

Not quite as dramatic as Hunter S. Thompson being cremated, his ashes stuffed into firework, and exploded for his friends and family below (if he had a family). But close.

The Bierkergaard podcast is growing slowly in listeners. I am addressing crucial and critical matters these days including the crowd and its proclivity of removing responsibility from the individual, calling, faith, church-state issues, the ridicule of expertise by know-nothings, and assorted other matters, in my peculiar round-about manner. Like it or leave, as I say. I have to be true to myself. And I don't say than with any rancor.  

I could care less about branding and building MY platform. Monetizing it, promoting the ego. I do care quite a bit about it gaining listeners as it makes me feel appreciated. I have chronic and deep-seated feeling of being unappreciated and criticized when doing my best to help others. I make no claims to infallibility.* 

BTW, the photo up of the mural at the top of the blog was done by Madison Myers who is my college roommate's daughter. I had her on the podcast to talk about her talent as an artist and how Soren might appeal to her younger generation. It was a fun and meaningful episode that has resounded with a large audience based on the metrics.

I didn't buy the Soren Kierkegaard books primarily with any expectation that the podcast would justify the purchase. I bought the books because I love Soren's writings. And then secondarily, as a resource for the Bierkergaard podcast (just search Bierkergaard in all of the major podcast platforms).

I also realize that starting and continuing with a podcast is a fraught-way of dealing with my fears of rejection. But, I am better able than ever to handle such reactions, as Soren has taught me the crowd is fickle and canine in its appetites. I offer my open hand and take the risk of getting bit. I plan to dance even if those on the sidelines cackle and jeer. I am not dancing for you. I am dancing for God, myself, and those who find my words music. Hopefully the music is loud enough to drown them out.     

* P.S. I do feel and think strongly that my Conservative decidedly non-Trump take on things has to be heard since the Republican Party has lost its mind and Christians forfeited their souls in sucking up to this craven and dangerous human being. When all the old white people die off, the Republican Party will die with them. Adios.  

I called Trump out from the start. The damnable lie of "Stop the Steal" has even surprised me...Trump's reckless and inflammatory rhetoric, not to mention the quarter of a Billion dollars he fleeced from his flock to promulgate the propaganda of "Stop the Steal." Facts just don't matter. Sticking it the the Liberals is what the crowd wants no matter what it costs our country.  








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