Second Act?

One would think we the extra time obtained from retirement that I'd become the Mad Writer, pounding out words feverishly to fill the now gaping abyss of time and task. Just the opposite. 

Although I am listening to several hours of podcasts daily and reading to some degree, I am finding that I am enjoying not having to produce anything. I am in the receiving mode and a decent amount of the receiving is rest and recreation. I have taken like a fiend to disc golf and am presently exploring and playing all of the courses nearby and even some a bit far away. I occasionally meet others to throw with, either intentionally with friends, or incidentally with strangers who just happen to be at the course also. 

I admit that I am not changing the world, even a little. Instead, I am in avoidance mode. I have laid down my work weapons and picked up discs. I tried to have a big impact on education and our culture in the past and instead of becoming a supernova of sorts, I cratered. No need to review the gory details. All gory no glory. I sacrificed a lot and was left with a fistful of I instead am tossing plastic discs. And I am completely ecstatic about it.

Which bring me to the point of this little entry. I am willing to do more and be more but need some hope that it is just not chasing the winds of irrelevance. Nothing is worse than all effort and no results. I am asking God for wisdom in regards to next steps. I don't want to do it for ego. I am researching to write a devotional based on the Book of James for public school educators who are Christians. And perhaps those  who are not. James states a lot of truth regardless of whether someone is a Christian or not. He offers wisdom, not platitudes.   

In the meantime I am enjoying the Zen of watching a well-thrown disc in flight. I surmise that a sliver of my soul takes flight with it. 


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