Eff That

I have decided to drop the photos from this Blog. It is an extra step and I don't want to make this harder than it needs to be.  

I had an interesting and disturbing exchange on FB comments recently.

Here is what I wrote in reference to a post by Public Enemy on their Facebook page about empowerment for Black people:

-  Stick together, that is how oppressed people groups have survived and thrived (a fact)

-  Don't depend on a government program (another fact).

For these two facts, I was, in as many words, called a racist.

First by a White Liberal White woman and then by some Black dude. He kept pushing his take. He kept posting and I kept replying, "Sorry, what I posted was not racist in any way."

I eventually Blocked him which is my typical response to dingbats. It felt healthy for me to refuse to let him define me and what I meant. Just because you have experienced discrimination (this is what I wrote) doesn't give you the authority to negate my voice. 

I am very happy to not have to worry about running afoul of some PC bullshit.  

I basically told the dude "Eff That" and walked away from the discussion. You can try to corner me but I did nothing wrong. I really can't let you label me that way.  Boy, that sounds racist for you to do that. Straight up.             




BeerCur said…
Here is the thing... We got a lot of PC crap going on but it's not like it is not richly desired... Our history is not great... Though Philly Crime rates... it does not seem "white" neighborhoods are the problem, which no one wants to talk about.
Just as a FYI, Philly police commissioner, Outlaw, is effing incompetent... Woman, Black... therefore Media.. nothing to see here...
BeerCur said…
ack replace desired... deserved...
Eric Bierker said…
PC is in response to prior injustices without a doubt. Paradoxically, when unqualified people are placed in authority who are not capable, it reinforces racists’ views. As best we can, equality of opportunity means favor towards none. A goal but impossible to fully achieve.
BeerCur said…
If you can no longer speak truth to power, something has gone sideways... and it has... Trump bad... left bad (gender, race, sexual politics)... right bad (gender, race, sexual politics). Depending on honest appraisal, it seems you will be run afoul and as blasphemy by some group... we can do better and should but probably will not...

Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives

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