Nicki Minaj Cousin's Friends Balls

As you have noticed dear reader, I am taking an extended hiatus from blogging here at Bierkergaard. 

Frankly, although I think I have something to say, most people don't give a rat's ass. So, I have to face the facts, I write for a relatively small group of regulars. Although, since its inception, this blog has garnered over a million views, it has never hit critical mass. So, it is a hard ground.

If I had put even 1/10th of the energy into my Beer Blog, it likely would have caught on. I opted for philosophy and theology  

When a tweet by Nicki Minaj cousin's friends balls allegedly swelling up after the COVID vaccine shot generates millions of views and words, the battle is lost.  Truth is American society is stocked with dumbasses. Maybe we should check our Chinese-made dinnerware for lead.  

I get in debates with seriously ill-informed individuals on social media at times. I find Trumpers to be particularly fucking stupid. Wrong about the facts, wrong about their take, who practice downright dirty insults when losing the argument.  And then they keep coming back for more after I have whipped their insolent little whiny punk asses. But, the Left has its shares of doofuses also.  

Since such discussions rarely result in any admission of wrongness, I typically have the good sense to stick to topics that I know a lot about, I am ready to give up on such endeavors. The morons win. I know it sounds harsh to call such types morons but that is what they are 100%. There are just too many of them.    


BeerCur said…
I've kinda given up too. Legitimate disagreements turn into who is right and wrong, and most people turn stupid to keep their precious beliefs and views intact. The world is a complicated place with nuance and shades of gray, and it’s a lot easier to be binary. We have always been kinda stupid in this way, but now the stupidest and most binary people, that confirm people’s beliefs have the largest bullhorns (Social media), and drowns out more sensible perspectives.
Shades of Grey: Perceiving Nuance in an Increasingly Binary Society
6 ways to persuade anyone of anything

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