Beeper No More
About two years ago, the control panel on my air conditioner stopped working, The AC still works. It is permanently locked in on high at 74 degrees. I turn it on by plugging it into the wall outlet. The beeper on the control panel went the other way than the rest of controls this summer. It just was beeping all of the time and the beeper didn't seem related to anything. Frankly, it was driving me effen' bonkers. It was waking me up in the middle of the night. Enough of this nonsense.
I assumed that perhaps I wasn't the only person who had an annoying and incessant beeper on the AC. I searched YouTube and found a video about how to remove the beeper from the circuit board. It was a different brand but I got to see what the beeper looked like. I had to take every screw off the AC to be able to get to the back of the circuit board. I spotted the little bastard and removed it with vise-grips, twisting it off like a boil on my arse.
I was able to find some electrical tape and covered the exposed wire that fed the beeper's incessant beeping. Somehow, I was able to reassemble the housing for the AC and related items with one remaining screw, where I could not figure where it went. After about an hour and sweating profusely I plugged the AC back in and it roared back to life minus the beeping.
Back in earlier days, I would have either tossed the AC and bought a new one, or even more surprisingly, tolerated the beeping. I could have also tossed the AC and not bought a new one. AND JUST SUFFERED. All kinds of ineffective reactions. Or, punched the AC control panel until I just stopped the beeping by destroying the AC. Maybe bloodying my hand in the process.
I have counseled many a teen about the inadvisability of punching a cinder-block wall in my 34 years as a counselor. For I did the same thing when young, rash, and angry. I have a lot of wisdom learned the hard way.
Passivity or Anger were the polarities under which I had a proclivity to operate under. Having access to YouTube helped as it narrowed the search and gave me an idea of where to look for LB (Little Bastard). The one danger of YouTube is that tasks are never as easy as they look for the average person. Someone doing a video about such a procedure has likely mastered it.
About two weeks in, AC is humming along. The beeper sits on my kitchen table as a remembrance that things operate according to some fundamental rules, not arbitrary occurrence. I am almost 58. Better late than never I suppose.