Cat On A Cold Grass Lawn

When I moved back to my townhouse after the divorce, one could say I was suffering from low self-esteem. No one marries planning to get divorced. So, it was jarring. In the end, I could have done better but a decent amount of the problems were just the confluence of events. Life ain't so black and white sometimes. Nonetheless, I wasn't feeling good about myself and the ignominious return to my prior Bachelor Pad. BPII.  

My first two guests were the two cats above. Siblings I assume. Not sure of the gender. I had left the back sliding door open looking to put something in the backyard and they waltzed in, presumably wanting breakfast. They looked very much at home as they peered at me with a "Well?'  look in their eyes. I assume the previous tenants had run a feline soup kitchen. This pic was after I had booted them I believe.  

After I escorted them out, I soon heard a neighbor down the row calling for them in Spanish to come get their vittles. I was like, "Hey, they are bilingual!" The event made me laugh and brought some joy amid the sadness and sorrow. For awhile, the duo made appearances around the property. One day, sadly,  I heard mewing coming from down in the sewer. I think one of them had fallen in. I made no valiant attempt to save him/her. And then there was one. 

8 years later, the surviving sibling is still around. She/he is both fat and feral, having an inside-outside game still. A Burb Cat. Mostly an outdoor cat, I will see her/him (for sake of clarity let me call her/him Mo) hanging out in my backyard curled up in a ball when it is in the single digits. Last week, although not quite so cold,  Mo was sunning the body while sleeping. Mo leaves no turds around so I welcome her/him to hang-out. While I won't feed Mo, I have no issue with her/him finding solace inside my fenced in yard. Mo is quite agile and has found an entrance and exit to my property which is pretty sluethy.   

Mo can let the guard down inside the protective fence and find rest for her/his soul. One of my principles of charity is if it turns a sentient being into a dependent, I am not helping her/him. For example, a business I frequent recently started a GoFundMe campaign and I thought it wisest to not donate money but instead visit the establishment and buy a boatload of product. I am not saying that I think it was wrong for the owner of the retail operation to run a campaign for cash during this Year of COVID. I am just saying that I am not particularly keen on this mode of charity for a business. People can do what they want with their money. I just feel buying some things preserves dignity. I want Mo to not lose her/his edge by the dulling nature of dependent donations. The edge needed for survival. Or, just go domestic.   

Mo brings me hope by her/his perseverance. A reminder that life carries on and gets better and then worse again. Then, better. Till death do we part.  




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