Railroad Crossing

Ever since I have been a young child I have been fascinated about railroad tracks crossing roads. I am not really sure why. I think I have found it intriguing that different things can cross and still go their way with a little bit of give.

Maybe an illustration on the need to just chill out in our society and let things go. It will pass. Social Media train-wrecks. We are all so easily offended.  Christians in particular should have a deep peace not so easily riled. A calmness, a consistency.

The last half of summer, I spent a lot of my time driving back country roads all the way from West Virginia through Pennsylvania to upstate New York. All the same type of terrain and people. I like rural folk and enjoy the country and I tend to see more of these railroad crossings on rural roads.

Nothing quite as fun for me than cruising in my Civic on a sunny day through the back country with the sun roof open.  I will until the end of my days always have a sun roof on my automobile. It gives me a crucial extra inch of two of space (the glass is thinner than the roof). It also makes me feel free to have the wind blowing through my hair as I wind around the curves.

Find simple things that bring you joy. We spend far too much time expecting the next big thing to only miss all the small blessings along the way.           


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