A Little Patience

Been delving deep into the Book of James. One verse at a time. This is the next one in line:

James 1:3  Knowing that the proving of your faith worketh patience. (ASV)

We all want spiritual virtues to be added to us without us having to give anything up or having to experience events that would inculcate patience in us. Like minor annoyances to major adversities. That ain't how it works. As I read in my devotional this week, "God, make my back fit my burden."  

I am a sucker for quotes and read one today on a Fitness website:

Stay strong because things will get better. It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever...

Rabbit Trail Alert: I drove by my old apartment in Lancaster City today and was reminded of the time back in the late 1990's when I wanted to become more friendly with the attractive German woman living across the street. I summoned the courage to put a note on her car windshield where I had translated into German the Les Mis song lyric, "Rain makes the flowers grow."  I tried to play the profound, melancholy, but hopeful card.  I had help with the translation from the German teacher at school. The German woman was flattered but alas had a serious boyfriend. That was that. The Point? Flowers need both sunshine and rain.

Been reading the Valley Forge book all weekend and thus far, based on what I have learned and adding to what I have known previously, it was clear to George Washington that the opportunity to beat the British Army strength by greater strength of the Continentals, was not going to work. What might work, along with the crucial assistance from the French, was a protracted engagement that would wear the enemy down and to play the long game until a crucial error was made. Washington knew that he had to avoid the big loss that could end the war. So, he waited and waited. And won.

Most of our problems have a shelf life. We can work and wait them out. Some problems may have to be carried until the grave. Others are be buried before we are. Just keep at it.     


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