In My Grill

When I worked with urban youth almost three decades ago, there was a retaliatory retort that the kids used to warn others of impending escalation if the offending party didn't back off: "Get Out Of My Grill."  Translation: Get out of my face...I suppose it comes from getting too close to a car's chassis or something automotive or it could be dental as in teeth (grill is the teeth, particularly if the teeth are adorned with shiny metallic materials). Rappers sometimes have a mouth of precious metals on their front teeth. YEAH, BOY!

The last week's tumult arising out of the Charlottesville, Virginia marches by neo-Nazis, Fascist, Confederate lovers to one degree or another, and the counter-protesters, were up in the nation's grill. Social Media sparked outrage on all sides. I have continued to Unfollow people this week. I don't have time to deal with apologists for the Southern Rebellion. Also, if there is one group that is easy to disdain openly, outside of cigarette smokers, it is neo-Nazis, especially one who kills. Trump stumbled, Trump fumbled,  He punted, He stumbled again. fumbled again. The man has no moral compass. His needle always points to himself. So. I was stressing out all week. I had an uneasy and queasy feeling that Trump's mouth once again had the diplomacy of a flame-thrower. Verbal napalm.

Thus, I had an anxiety all week. I am to return to school Monday so I am nervous about the start of the school year, too. Even though this is my 27th year I still get undone a bit by getting back on the school counselor bucking bronco horse. Not my first rodeo yet it still is a challenge and fun/fearful to ride. And I was attempting to separate the anxiety I was feeling from this work return and Trump being Trump and pull it apart. When I can understand why I am feeling something, then my cognition kicks in and I assess what I can and cannot do. Then, the fever subsides.

Another thing I do before the week of school starting, is that I tried to get things squared away. Part of that is my seasonal trip to Costco to stock up on foodstuffs that can go into my extra freezer which I then defrost as needed. Macro-shopping cuts out most of my piddling shopping at the grocery store besides eggs and other perishables or goods not available at Costco. I decided to get my tires rotated while at Costco which then resulted in the tire tech stating that I had unusual wear on my tires and should get it checked out. So, I went down to Midas and once again the shop said that my Honda is just getting old and creaky. The struts are not as sturdy as they once were but the office manager said that it is far from needing to be replaced. So, Midas adjusted what they could and I went on my way a hundred dollars lighter. Which reminded me why I like to work. I get paid as well as other rewards. That also diminished my anxiety.  

Another task I take care of work around the corner is that I cook big. I cook a lot of meat either on the grill or in the oven. Then, I use the meat in different dishes for about a week. Again, cooking the meat macro saves time because meat is typically what takes the time when preparing a meal. Warming the meat back up is quick in the skillet. I do a lot of macro to save micro as a life strategy. So, I went to barbecue some chicken on the grill.

Only one of the burners was working but it was not burning with the blue flame. The other burner with gas was inert. The jets/holes were clogged. I had tried to crank the heat on the highest setting with the burner that was semi-working to try and clear the jets but the other burner didn't clear. I searched Google and the Weber Grill company had a video showing the correct tools and techniques for clearing the holes. All common sense, like using the wire brush and going up and down on the cylindrical burners versus side-to-side which would just push the crud into the holes adjacent.  

Spiritual Application: Anger is like high temps. It doesn't clear the problem despite extreme heat. Obviously, a very high temperature will eventually burn everything up but the collateral damage and cost is greater than the expense of the problem.

Social Media Application: Use a wire brush, historical facts and sound reasoning methodically, rather than assumptions and insults to make your point. I rarely resort to name-calling with people I interact with online, friend or stranger. I make my point and not personalize it.

Don't get in peoples' grill in other words.  James, in his Epistle, warns that the anger of man doesn't accomplish the righteousness that God requires. I wish and pray Christian conservatives, of which I am one, start taking the Bible literally. It is so odd that we don't follow scriptural teaching, all the while asserting we take the Bible seriously. I guess everyone wants to be a so-called prophet with anger issues versus a Jesus follower who told us to love our enemies. If walking the earth today, Jesus would be called a Libtard Snowflake. I am certain of it. Or crucified again.

Lord, Lord, did we not.....(for those of you who know the reference).

I was a little skeptical that scrubbing the burners would do the trick. It seemed too simple. But, work it did and my chicken cooked promptly. I had also taken the time to clean out the bottom of the grill, the grates, and assorted parts of the grill. It is back to 100% with the blue flame flowing unimpeded.  



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