A Day At A Time, A Change Is Going To Come

I am a sucker for motivational quotes. Posted this above meme today on Facebook. Progress, as it is said, not perfection.

I am heading out of town again this weekend (early Friday actually) for Portland, Maine. The other Portland. I have been wanting to get up there for a couple of years for the scenery (Portland is on the Atlantic Ocean), food, and craft beer. I also have some friends who live up around Portland and we, my buddy and I, will partake of these three items over the days and nights we're are up there. So, I will be busy tomorrow packing and making plans for an early Friday departure and won't be back until Monday sometime.

So, I am blogging now because I certainly won't be doing it up in Portland. The time is too valuable.

All week I have been trying to keep to my plan of eating healthier. Essentially, eating well but better. That translates to a lot of vegetables in two out my three meals a day. Frankly, I have never liked vegetables. Can't say this is unusual. Most of us feel that way. Even though we know that they are good for us.

Part of this is due to my mom's totally unimaginative cooking where produce mostly came out of a can and was heated. Even though I have been an adult for over 35 years now, it is interesting how childhood and teenager patterns are hard to shake. Now, I have decided to bag the garden for this summer, used essentially to manufacture my E-8 that I have been drinking for awhile, and just purchase bags of frozen vegetables.  For the E-8 and otherwise.

I typically put the vegetables in something I like. For instance, today I made a Thai Spicy Red Curry dish with mixed vegetables instead of rice. Taste-wise, I prefer the rice. But, the vegetables' taste was subsumed by the curry. So, not a great sacrifice. I had seared some Shrimp last night which I also threw into the stew.  

There should be a meeting once we turn 18 with a lawful authority who informs us that the life we have from then on is the life we create. Not the one prior. Easier said than done of course, but slowly losing the shell that we developed in our families is hard to do. What had been necessary for psychic health now becomes a barrier, a barricade, to growth. I am still shaking it. At 53.

I just had a weird sensation which I am not yet sure is legit or not. My eyesight, even after a few days of eating better, seems to be improving. I noticed I could read the script on the TV when normally I am squinting. Then, to test it further, I was able to read my iPhone without glasses. I don't know if I am imagining things or not. We'll literally see.

Big change is hard. But, small change is not. Enough small change, just like cash, adds up to big change. If we focus (a vision term for sure) on the 24 hours we have been allotted, like cash, and decide to spend it better and more wisely, the change we are seeking is going to come. We have purchased it a penny and minute at a time.

Cha-Ching. Cha-Change.



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