Prepare Him Room

Luke 13:34 O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, that killeth the prophets, and stoneth them that are sent unto her! How often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her own brood under her wings, and ye would not!

Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to make search for those who are wandering from the way, and to be their Saviour.

We had our third rendition of Libations: Craft Beer Church on Thursday night at Columbia Kettleworks. I was the speaker and decided to go brief and keep it to 10-15 minutes. Believe me, that is terse for me. 

The gist of my message was that Christ makes room for us under the shelter of His wings but we make no room for Him. Or, to find shelter under His branches. 

Jesus, the gift of God, not under the tree but on it. Do you like my Craft Beer Bottle Christmas Tree?   

For Christians at least, the cares of the world choke out His presence. I think we are far too busy for our own good however we seem to make enough time to binge watch series of Netflix for days on end. When we say too busy, it is better to say too distracted. Something shiny thing has caught our eye and kept us from looking upon the eternal. 

For non-Christians, deception is at work. Eyes are blinded. As a seriously, and probably over-educated individual who  knows that Bible and theology, I find contesting critiques of the faith these days is not too hard. Softballs. Skeptics aren't informed about what the Bible teaches. It used to be that unbelievers knew enough to raise serious questions. Like Thomas Jefferson. 

Now, that is not the case. Professing to be wise, they became fools. Don't buy the lie to be a believer you have to be dumb and easily led. Atheism and Agnosticism have become the last refuge of ignorance. There are plenty of dumb Christians also but we have no monopoly on stupidity these days.  

Without regurgitating my thoughts here from the speech, my key take-away is this. Take time each day to reflect, even if for even five minutes, about how God makes room for us. God can take a little and make a lot out of it. That 5 minutes, paired with a good devotional beforehand with a Bible verse or two (better yet, a whole chapter) can do much to feed our hungry souls.  

The room we met in at Columbia Kettleworks was sparse and undecorated with finery. A former industrial building, with cinder blocks and a concrete floor. Probably a modern day equivalent of a manger. A place not fit for a King. But, the King has condescended to make His abode with us, in our humanity, in His humanity. Under the shelter of His wings. Prepare Him Room.  


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