
I have been tardy in my blog posts recently. Writing on Monday rather than Sunday. Hopefully you have been able to readjust your schedule.

I was taking care of a married couple with kids cat last week. His name his Hobo, a newly adopted pet from the shelter. I suppose, considering his non-home status until recently, Hobo is an accurate name. Although, I think Hobo is short for Hoboken. A Jersey cat. Wonder if he knew Sinatra? 

Hobonomics is the technical term I developed for taking care of Hobo.

It really wasn't much of a duty. Visited him twice, stocked him up on food and water. Gave him some pets and reassuring words that the Fam would be back (I was concerned that he could be dealing with some loss issues being that he had been so recently adopted and abandoned so soon again). Hobo is cool, he's affectionate unlike most of the cats I have encountered here on this planet.  He likes bags and coolers to hide in apparently.  

I am not much of a caretaker. Many years ago I had left my own cat Barnabas alone for 11 days-- plus other deeds that I am not proud of, all which displayed my unfitness for being a pet owner.  It was clear that the Fam had not checked into my neglectful cat caretaking past. Barnabas forgave me after making his point by "meowing" mournfully upon my return for about thirty minutes. Barnabas was the coolest cat of all time. I miss him so.   

Before making my first visit to Hobo, I was at home with a pounding dull headache. I get them on the right side of my head and I surmise that they are related to my mild cerebral palsy. As far as life trials go, I know it is not that big of a deal. But, these headaches still hurt. I call them my "thorn in the head." My 5 or so concussions in life don't help either. 

An interesting element of these headaches is that I often get them when I am by myself alone, or not occupied with something useful to do. When I get into something worthwhile, it is almost as if the headaches lose their power. 

Being self-focused tends to cause me to fixate on the pain and all that does is make it worse. I was a little unenthusiastic about heading to help out Hobo because of the headache initially but once again I was reminded that doing something beneficial outside of myself is really the only way out of the spiral of self-focus.  

Here's to Hobo reminding me of a valuable  life lesson.  Hobonomics.  

P.S. I have had several excellent opportunities to write this summer for periodicals. I am really pushing the pitches and so far things are going great. I get to write about Craft Beer this coming Wednesday. How cool is that! I will get 5o bucks if it all works out...which will translate nicely to a case of fine craft beer. More research! 


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