Revelation & Limitation

Exodus 4:10

And Moses saith unto Jehovah, 'O, my Lord, I am not a man of words, either yesterday, or before, or since Thy speaking unto Thy servant, for I am slow of mouth, and slow of tongue.'

Bible scholars are not quite certain what Moses' elocution issues were. Regardless, Moses didn't feel like speaking was in his Wheelhouse. Boy, how I dislike trendy words. 

One of the ironies in this life is that strengths are coupled with weakness. The bold person is sometimes reckless. The shy person silent when speaking up is called for.  The thoughtful person stuck in his head. The doer getting burned out by her incessant activity. Balance. 

When God calls a person to Himself, there is a big danger that His wisdom starts to become a tool for pride. The inner Pharisee of us all wants to appropriate truth as our own. "None is righteous, no not one" wrote Paul. That is absolute. Looking back to who we were helps us remember who we are. Adversity is an excellent pruner of pride. 

God often places in our gifts a weakness. Moses has been fearless as a young  in the face of Pharaoh, he in not such a bad-ass. He needs God, we need God. Giftedness tempered by failure and developed by sheer exertion has a a real strength. A hull that has taken some hits but keeps sailing. 



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