Something versus Nothing


This afternoon I lifted weights for 20 minutes and then went for a 20 minute jog. It has been so cold in Pennsylvania, around zero degrees recently, that I have dialed back on the runs. Generally, I do three runs a week, two about 20 minutes apiece, and then one 1 hour run to the river and back.

But, now it is just straight three times a week 20 minutes each time. It was so cold on one of my jogs last week that my privates froze. Next time out I wore three pair of shorts and sweat pants. Wasn't taken any chances. I also try to lift three times a week for 20 minutes each time. I have a nagging elbow injury from doing lifts that put too much strain on my right elbow and I am trying to nurse it back to health while still lifting regularly. Good tip for lifting: If it is creating strain, you are doing it wrong. It pays to research which lifts are wise and which ones are not.

I try and work out on Friday nights and Sunday afternoons as a strategy to reduce my beer consumption. I figure that if I put in a work-out, less time to drink beer. Beer is better as a reward anyway, not a rut.

Working out for me has been an idol in the past. Since I was good at sports, it became a source of my identity. I have had to work on creating balance with physical activity. I cut out anything that involves competing win-lose against another team or person. The activities I do now are enjoyable and I don't get stressed out and disappointed if I lose or prideful and gloating if I win. It is part of the reason that I hate board games. There are winners and losers. I don't need to lose any more in life than I already have-- so no thanks.

I used to feel that I had to work-out for much longer periods of time to be considered successful and I realized that this was causing me to get stuck in inactivity. My expectations were not aligned with what I was willing to enact. That is a trap that many of us fall into over and over again and it is helpful to examine the patterns of non-engagement.  

With physical activity, something is better than nothing. Getting started is half the battle. Like a seed, if it can take hold in the roots, then it can branch out and grow. You can only commit to five minutes? Then do five minutes. Sit-ups, push-ups, etc. Go for a walk rather than watching that stupid TV program.

Much of progress in life is stalled by the unrealistic goals of something we feel we should do and become guilty because we don't. Find what you can commit to, no matter how little, and do it.

Here are some areas where this can be applied:

- Read or listen to the Bible everyday, no matter how little.

- Mix in vegetables with foods you already enjoy. 

- Read a Chapter from a book a week.

- Delay your drinking of beer/wine/spirits until the night. Substitute seltzer or mineral water rather than have that extra drink.

- Praying in the car to and from work is a great time where you won't be interrupted. Turn off the radio for part of the commute and commit to dedicate that time to talking and listening to God. 

- Wash dishes, pots, and utensils once you use them. Don't let stuff pile up. It gets stressful and messy to have to do a massive cleaning. Staying ahead of it lets you relax.  

- Keep a calendar,use your smart phone of must do's. Force yourself to put steps to getting tasks done. Procrastination is presumption that you will have time later and that is often mistaken. Many people delay and it becomes very detrimental and stress-inducing to always be in a reactive mode.

- Make sure to get enough sleep. I marvel that people consume all of that mayhem on television and then try to rest. You are what you watch and the insipid, violent, and immoral, burdens the soul in ways that we may not recognize. An appetite for destruction in media choices adds chaos to our already difficult lives.

- Don't eat out as much. Learn to cook the dishes you like. One huge area of peoples' expenses are prepared foods and restaurants. I generally eat out once a week and rarely at a chain. Instead, I frequent ethnic restaurants that are locally owned.

- Drink one cup of coffee and leave it at that and before noon. Too much caffeine creates anxiety and disrupts sleep.            


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