The Cross of Being Gifted

Last night, I watched a documentary about the rise, fall, and rise again of Christian Hosoi. Called the Jimi Hendrix of skateboarding. The photo is a picture of his Christ move.

One of the ironies of being gifted--and developing that gift--is the pride that takes root in a heart. The adulation turns into an idol. And like all idols, they promise more than they can deliver, leaving one empty and broken. A bottle of potential turned to shards. Christian in a YouTube video stated the cliché that sometimes you have to hit rock bottom. Rock bottom, if responded to appropriately, lets us place our gifts on the Rock of Christ and not the shifting and sinking sands of human applause. 
I sent a quick Facebook message to Christian where I mentioned a line from my book, On The Edge: Transitioning Imaginatively to College, "Broken Dreams Lead to Better Dreams." He messaged me back, "Amen." And I know he meant it. Gifts must point to the Giver, God.     


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