Syria Thoughts

From the Bazooka Joe Comic Aphorism School of World Diplomacy, "When two dogs get in a fight, the third should keep his distance." Bazooka Joe gum is not very good, neither are the actual comic strips coming with the wrapped gum. However, the sayings on the bottom of the comic were and maybe still are unusually prescient.

For years, I chewed Bazooka Joe. After the first initial download of sugar, it just turned into a wad of putty. No flavor and hard on the jaws to chew. So, I quit chewing it. But I still recall reading that "third dog" quote. Both dogs in the fight in Syria have foul and rabid natures. Extreme Sunnis and extreme Shiites once again going for each others' jugular, just a different country. There are innocents in the middle but damned if we are going to be able to protect them from either side.

We have to stay the hell out of there or become part of the hell in there.

The best that all the outside powers can try to do is staunch the flow of weapons from the outside. That is also near impossible. Yet, if these fanatics are intent in turning the Mideast into a hellhole, let them do it with their bare hands. Islam is on trial just like Christianity was in the wars between the Romanists and the Protestants. Since I have both traditions in me, I have concluded that the Roman Catholic Church was much more the guilty party. Only the most obtuse Papist can defend the venality of pre-Reformation Rome and her unwillingness to repent. Non-Catholics also shed innocent blood, so neither side is without sin.

Islam has an intrinsic problem however in that it is not based on the Truth. Mohammed was a false prophet. It does mean that Muslims are car-bomb Taliban sympathizers, but the religion is based on the wrong foundation. So, it follows in conclusion that the Dome of the Rock is a house-divided and shall be until the end of time.   


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