Sober-Minded & The Narrow Way

Matthew 7:14

For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.

I have developed a maxim of sorts for my drinking of coffee and beer (picture from here)

For the Joe, it is "One and Done." For when I drink too much coffee, my agitation index spikes. Although I love the taste of the brew, the jitters annihilate the joy. If I am to have a second cup, it is several hours later but before noon as to not mess up my sleep. With beer, I have tried to erect a firewall of "Two and Through." I find with beer, wine, or spirits, I am fine with up to two drinks. After the second, it can be a slippery slope. Even when I do drink more than two, I don't get drunk as a rule. Yet, I am clearly in the zone where consumption has taken the wheel and drives me deeper into imbibing. That is where the seltzer has been a huge asset. Often, drinking alcohol becomes mindless, and less and less mind is paying attention to how much I have taken down. Seltzer has been a safe diversion.

I am re-remembering that avoidance is actually the safest strategy to not get on the road to over-consumption. For once the coffee and alcohol is engaged, now it is imperative I pay attention and go off of auto-pilot and resume the cautious defensive drinking strategy. If I don't drink at all, especially with the alcohol, there is no need to be careful. For I am not in treacherous territory. Moderation is such a difficult posture with almost anything enjoyable. I think God wants us to learn moderation in lawful things, and not take the easy way out of avoidance or saturation.  

I have to wonder if Jesus's teaching on the Narrow Way does not include some imparting of wisdom regarding the too much or too little dichotomy. Alcohol consumption is clearly permissible, and even encouraged in the Bible. But, there is a strong spirit of denunciation towards drunkenness. It is not an either/or where ideologues love to live, but a middle path. This walking is quite complex and un-childlike where we want simple rules for difficult issues.

I suppose my "One and Done" and "Two and Through" is simplistic too on the surface. However, it expresses a complicated idea. One that I am still learning as a middle-aged man.           


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