In Defense of the Man Tank-Top*

Romans 14:14

I know, and am persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean of itself: but to him that esteemeth any thing to be unclean, to him it is unclean.

I know the pejorative term for the tank-top is wife-beater. I first heard the term a decade ago from my quasi-girlfriend. Boy, I had a lot of those quasi-girlfriends. I think I drove more women towards marriage than anyone I know. It was a mixture of my unwillingness or theirs to continue the relationship. Odd, it is was either I called it to an end or the women did. Never mutual. Someone is always on the losing end.

If you have noted in previous blogs my aversion to Uber-air conditioning when it is 95 outside and 62 inside which screws my body up, a tank-top is a perfectly legit piece of clothing. It releases heat from the body--like arm-pit exhaust pipes.

It is not like a I have a hairy gut sticking out and/or a Confederate Flag emblazoned on the front. The South gonna' rise again? Hope not--didn't you get enough of Sherman? I never understood why the poor Southerners fought to preserve the Southern Aristocracy. Sounds like suckers to me. American Slavery, even using the Old Testament, was wrong morally. It was called Man-Stealing. Servitude could only happen legally when there was an unpaid debt and after the debt was paid, the slave was free to leave. Look it up.  

The Northern War of Aggression and all that B.S. Read the Constitution Jefferson Davis wanna-be. Article 1, Section 10.  I recently reviewed the Constitution from start to finish to see where our Government is presently running afoul. Declaring War (we need to stay the H*** out of Syria, Obama) and Determining Treason (droning US citizens) are both Congressional Powers and not Executive, and Search and Seizure must have probable cause. I heard an NSA Rep testify the other day that they only scour non-citizen communication--and log to/from phone calls from outside of the US from non-citizens to citizens and non-citizens in the U.S. but clearly the capacity is there to do more. A slippery slope indeed. A Government is prone to want to preserve power among those who already hold it so almost anything can be perceived as hostile to that status.

Back to the wife-beater so called. How this fine piece of summer wear has been so badly tarnished in reputation causes me pain. Because I like wearing tank tops.  It just seems like one more fashion scheme from the fairer sex who are concerned about how such clothing reflects on them versus any intrinsic evil arising from the garment itself.   



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