Eric Amishman: Exiled from Society

Well, this week I felt sort of Amish-like. No Internet/cable on the computer. Not quite technically correct. I had my iPhone which acted like an umbilical cord to the  Big Mama Web. 3GS, kept me from experiencing Tech D.T.'s (Delirium Tremens).  It is good to disconnect at times. Though it feels as if the world is passing me by without even a look back.

Moving is a pain in so many ways, and getting connected at the new/old domicile was one of them. Not life-threatening, though I do use the web for more than just posting what I had for lunch. I do work, like writing this blog (semi-work because I dream of being an author), school-related tasks--doing two presentations in this next week or so--where I need access to my laptop and Internet, as well as going back and forth with my editor on my book on the college transition.  Great news, he actually thinks that the last two chapters are good. Could be better but good. That is fantastic because thus far, until now, it was thumbs-down on three previous submissions.

He spares not my tender feelings. I have instructed him to speak his mind. He does me no ultimate favors by soft-pedaling his reservations about my writing. I would rather get a true "it sucks" versus a false "awesome."  Or, even worse, "It is OK." Spew thee from my laptop. Now, I am back online. Blogging. Posting what I had for lunch. Welcome back, I hope you are thinking. The worse thing in the world is not to be missed.



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