Reality Nails

For those who read this blog more than just mere snacking, you know that I work in a high school as a guidance counselor. My profession is typically viewed as a hero or goat. 4 out of 5 people say little good about their high school guidance counselor. About 1 in 5 do. My colleagues and I are working to change the odds in our little corner of the world. I think we are making a difference in the positive direction. It is a game of inches and not miles.

Everyone wants to be freaking be known on the TV, social media, or movies. Maybe the radio if you are a retro right-winger. EGO. No one wants to be great with the people they interact daily with, to have a high degree of respect accorded to oneself by others's based on one's attitude and behavior. Day in and day out, not just giving it up for a check but because it is just the right thing to do. Leave it on the field, bleed, sweat, and suffer. Don't dodge the pain but embrace it and drain it of its evil and spit it out. Or swallow it, if that is what God calls you to do.

Whenever we judge we have created distance between ourselves in others. How about when we see evil and destruction, we don't sit back and opine? Instead, throw ourselves over the grenade and just take it. God will raise us up no matter how damn blown to smithereens we get.  Jesus embraced the Cross out of a profound sense for the other. God, accepting the consequences of evil, as His own. The Cross couldn't keep Him. It won't keep us either. Bring on the nails.



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