Change the World

Philippians 3:12

Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if indeed I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.

I recall vividly having a conversation in the Student Memorial Center at Millersville University about a quarter of a century ago with a well-meaning Campus Crusade staffer named Chris who wanted to join with me in writing evangelical articles for the student newspaper The Snapper. I declined. He needed to pair up with a college student to get access to being published. He was befuddled when I denied his plea. My gut told me that it was wrong to go there, so I stuck to my position despite his insistent and recurring petitions. It looked like I was being a bad Christian.   

Towards the end of the conversation that day, I ended with this quote from Tolstoy which I had probably just heard and thought it made me sound profound. But, there is great truth in it. We expend a great deal of energy attempting to change the world but scant little effort becoming the change we want to see (as Gandhi said). I think my fear in regards to writing articles with him was that they would be forced in-your-face rather than reflective, as in a mirror. I don't mind being confrontational if I think it will be effective. Most of the time it just leads to being ignored or creates unhealthy and unnecessary anger. Even as a college student I understood this.
I try to express to my students what I practice. I want them to be imaginative, not settle for less than their best. I hope that they are world-changers, that the seeds of greatness that God has planted in their souls become mighty trees long after I pass from the scene. And so it goes.  When I was 17, I thought there was little chance that I was going to escape the gravity of Depression. It weighed so heavy on me. Slowly, God made me strong under it until I could bear it, walk with it, and then eventually help carry others. It does not mean that I have arrived by any means.


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