Couch of Sheol

I was praying unto the Lord as to why my back decided to collapse into a gnarled mess of pain recently. You know, when the back ain't happy, nobody happy in the body. Sort of like when "Mama ain't happy, no one is happy in the house." Back pain is so central as to impair all movement. I have been feeling like an old man. Heck, I should be getting senior discounts.

I believe word came back from on high. "Tis, the couch." It made sense, I have been spending quite a lot of time on the couch stretched out. Although avoiding TV, I have been reading much. Just plowed through the 550 page "Head and Heart: American Christianities" by Garry Wills. A so-so book, less balanced about the faith, more skeptical than I had hoped. I read long books as the highest expression of fun. A lot of time and a lot of books is my ideal formula for a perfect week. I would read for a living if I could find a way to score such a gig. My Dad has a poster at his condo that says something the effect "I have always imagined heaven as some type of library." I can dig.

The couch is not exactly anatomically-designed for spinal health. The cushions are squishy and don't form a solid surface for the back. Instead, it is like three rafts, all somewhat independent of another, creating a cushioning scenario full of imbalance and distortion if one lays long way. Killing me softly. That is my theory anyway. To the rocking chair until further notice. That removes pressure from the spine.

Ironic how extended ease and physical lounging on the couch creates pain. It is a seizure from leisure. We want easy lives and God knows better. The Body of Christ cannot be couch-bound without being impaired and ruined. There is a time to rest but only as a respite for work. I have napped on Sundays for years on this couch to no detriment of the back. But, too much, and my body cries out in excruciating suffering.

Ecclesiastes 4:5

Fools fold their idle hands, leading them to ruin.        


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