Grow Ideas in the Garden of Your Mind

It is tricky to crop a picture with Photoshop on YouTube...action photo of Mr. Rogers tapping his head while rapping "You can grow ideas in the garden of your mind." The power of wonder, a quality that the young have and the old discard as worn shoes. Not in Kansas anymore Cynicism, that is what it means to be an adult. Walk in it.

This video went viral about 10:30 on Friday night. A buddy posted in on Facebook, and then temporary OCD took over for me and a bunch of others. Watch it here. I must have played it ten times on a continuous loop. What I was doing on Facebook at 10:30 on a Friday night is a sure indicator of my less than awesome life right now. This video was some serious encouragement.

Why don't things go bacterial? At least some bacteria, like in your gut, is good. As far as I know, viruses are always bad.  Or maybe one virus is not as bad as another...kind of like bullies in the playground. There is the kid who steal lunches, and then there is the kid that steals lunches and punches other kids in the face. And the less evil bully might beat up the meaner bully.

Talk about good. Mr. Rogers surely is the model of benevolence. He is looking less goofy all of the time. In a mean, mean, world, goodness had better not be taken for granted, Mr. Rogers was disarmingly gentle and caring. Maybe he kicked the dog at home, who knows. I doubt it.

When the children came to Jesus, he welcomed them after chiding his disciples for shooing the kids away like flies. Ever notice how often the Disciples had to be corrected? A consistent theme throughout the Gospels. Like a reality show full of freaks, narcissists, and divas. Jesus was calling the  children in all of us out to ponder the wonder, the idea in the garden of our minds, of Him coming--and then us being amazed in authentic worship. Is not worship just wonder directed at the One so deserving?  


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