Yard Sale & Beware of Dog

So, on Monday I was high-tailing it out of Ohiopyle State Park. It had stormed violently the day and night previous, leaving a general moist blanket on everything. Three days and nights of camping, and I was ready for my bed and some AC. Sometimes I think the best thing about camping is showing how wonderful modern shelter and conveniences are. Including our own personal commode.

Driving away, I was on one of those Red State winding country roads where the locals try to cash in on the tourists by selling firewood, furniture, food, booze/beer, and plain old junky crap (er, "Antiques"). I spotted a property that had dual signs. One sign said "Beware of Dog." The other said "Yard Sale."

Um, kind of a mixed message there. "Sure, we will sell you this hear 1960 sewing machine but we are going to sic Brutus on yer ass." Run fer yer life feller. Say, just a suggestion: Might want to take down the Beware of Dog sign and lock up guard dog in the basement during Yard Sale operations...it would probably enhance customer flow.

It kind of reminded me that most churches would put out a sign (literal or figurative), "Sinners welcome." But another sign would read, "Leave yer sin at the door." Like an umbrella. Pick it up when yer leavin'. Sin makes life messy. Most of us are preoccupied substantially with our own funk. To willingly take on others' mess seems mighty unwise. The commandment shalt be, "Deal With Ye Own Funk."

The problem of course with this expectation is that only Christ can deal with sins' funk. We must let Christ prevail in our own hearts, souls, minds, and spirits, substantially, in order to absorb  the out-workings of evil of humanity. Our own works salvation doesn't work for us, neither does it work when we are called to minister to others. We can only give what we got.          


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