Written On His Hand

This morning, I was reading my devotional of 365 Days of Calvin. Not exactly Max Lucado. Calvin can be tender but he can also tear like a jagged rock. I had a series of To-Dos in my head and didn't feel inclined to fetch a post-it note that was all of five feet away. So, I wrote my To-Dos on my hand. I got most of the to dos done, except for one. I want to look up the John Donne Poem of the "World's Last Night" that C.S. Lewis mentioned in today's reading....I already have my C.S. Lewis devotional waiting in the wings and occasionally I will read Lewis in addition to Calvin. Like a chaser I suppose. C.S. Lewis is smooth, Calvin can be harsh. Only 250 or so more days to go of Calvin. It puts theological hair on my chest. Not recommended for women. 

In Isaiah 49:16, God says, "Behold, I have engraved you upon the palms of my hands." That verse came to mind as I was penning my To-Dos. Quite profound, and not an accident, that Jesus's hands were pierced or engraved for us. Isaiah is a prophetic book through and through, so I hardly think that this verse is not alluding to the Cross. Tis true that if you want to reach out your hands to save a lost world, by prepared to take the nails. The more you are to help, the more it is going to hurt.   

I just looked up the Donne poem...God's To-Do. DONE

73. "What if this present were the worlds last night?"
WHAT if this present were the worlds last night?
Marke in my heart, O Soule, where thou dost dwell,
The picture of Christ crucified, and tell
Whether that countenance can thee affright,
Teares in his eyes quench the amasing light,         5
Blood fills his frownes, which from his pierc'd head fell.
And can that tongue adjudge thee unto hell,
Which pray'd forgivenesse for his foes fierce spight?
No, no; but as in my idolatrie
I said to all my profane mistresses,  10
Beauty, of pitty, foulnesse onely is
A signe of rigour: so I say to thee,
To wicked spirits are horrid shapes assign'd,
This beauteous forme assures a pitious minde.



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