Lent: Altared States

Photo from here: http://www.virtourist.com/europe/malta/17.htm

I am on Day 4 of my Lenten Fast from food between lunch and dinner. Since I have depleted the various sources of nuts through the most effective and efficient means I know--eating them--I have less temptation around. With my wife working for a candy company, not sure we can do the same with the various chocolate in the house. We have an endless supply.

Maybe I need one of those automatic cat food dispensers that distributes a set amount of candy into my bowl. I have seen more actual fats cats in the last couple of years needing such a contraption. I wonder if Michelle Obama is concerned. Everyone and everything is fat in the USA. Prosperity kills.

I figured giving up the snacking between meals would cut out a lot of calories as well as reminding me of where provisions come from. Continuous snacking becomes auto-pilot like with no reflection  just ingestion. Stopping consumption between  meals allows gratitude to fill me when food finally comes, and the grumbles below are potent reminders.

When coming to the altar of God, we have to lay items of value down. If it doesn't hurt to do so, it does not help. God in the Old Testament spoke through the prophets of the substandard sacrifices. Like giving God the leftovers from the back of the fridge that we wouldn't dare to eat ourselves.

We are altered by the altar to the degree that our sacrifices cost us cash, convenience, and comfort.              


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