United Salmon of America

Last night, when I was a acting the dutiful citizen--watching the State of the Union address (have I told you that I am a policy wonk and my favorite cable channel is C-Span?....I was a Political Science major in college after all)--Lina and I had a woman staying over who Lina works with through Hershey.

She is an outside consultant who lives in the New York City Metro region...and is Jewish. Lina and I are becoming good friends with her and her husband. He is an Englishman and a fellow former Rugger like me, who went to school with Prince William and the future Queen Kate Middleton. Hmm, I wonder if I can score an invite to the royal wedding?Nah, I don't have enough aristocratic cache.

When Obama made the crack about the Salmon (I am uncertain of the jurisdiction of the Salmon above, could be fresh or salt water for all I know), our Jewish friend chimed in after Obama added as an aside, that he wasn't sure who had authority over the smoked Salmon. She said something to the effect, "Now he is working in the Jews."

It was a great line, from both Obama and our friend. Although the allegiance of the Christian is first to God, and not to the United States, we can celebrate and laugh about the diversity that makes America great and truly one of the examples of how different cultures and peoples can come together at the table of fellowship...and partake of Salmon, from fresh water, salt water, or smoked.


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