Going to Prepare a Place

John 14:3

"And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also."

Yesterday I was cleaning the house, preparing for Lina's return from a three week business trip...the longest time away she has been thus far in our marriage. My bride came home.

I did my best in the previous three weeks to not sully the carpet and hard wood floors with dirt and to keep the kitchen relatively clean, knowing full well that my definition of clean does not even make it into Lina's dictionary.

Saturday was Judgment Day when I literally cleaned house. I am far from OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) when it comes to cleaning...I am more NOCD. I try, but I find myself not preoccupied with dust and dirt...my previous bachelor pad was a veritable winter wonderland of dust, like one of those liquidy shake toys encased in plastic, where the snow falls on a picturesque scene after you agitate its contents. Every day was Christmas. I have traveled a long way towards clean and reverent in the last four years.

I had a revelation of sorts as I vacuumed away. Of course! When Jesus tells us He is going away to prepare a place for us, he is the Groom acting as a husband to His Bride...the Church. I read through all of my Commentary resources to see if any of the sages of Scripture had pointed this out specifically. None had. So, I did the next thing and went to the web.

Bingo, that is what the verse alludes to...I am certain of it. Here is a blog entry that attests to this. Out of the testimony of two witnesses, any matter--as long as it comports with Scripture--is established.

As the writer noted, Jesus goes to prepare a place, the Bride prepares herself.

For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. – Rev 19:7


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