Thou Should Not?

Well, mi Madre sent me one of those "inspirational " emails of awesome pictures of nature and then statements from God...some of the statements accorded with the spirit of Scripture, some did not. The one most egregious was a sentence that said "What part of should not don't you understand?"

I suppose it was meant to be a close approximation of "Thou shalt not" of the Ten Commandments, Moses on the Mountain, smoke and storm. Not quite....instead God, the Cosmic Nag...or non-directive counselor. "Y' know, you really should not do this."

Eeeks....Carl Rogers as Deity....really, the question really is, "What part of thou shalt not don't you understand?" We all break the Commandments, we all need Grace. But, don't change the question. Reminds me of the serpent's question in the Garden of Eden, "Did God really say?"


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